Health Metrics Expand
Technology Offering with
Uniti Software Acquisition
July 5, 2021 – Australia’s leading Health & Social Care software organisation, Health Metrics, has acquired Uniti Software from integratedliving.
This is a strategic acquisition for Health Metrics as it provides further pathways into the Health & Social Care sector by adding another 73 customers to its portfolio.
Health Metrics is a well-established supplier of leading solutions for the Residential Aged Care, Retirement Village, Home Care, Disability Care and Primary Health Care sectors (“Health & Social Care”) in Australia and New Zealand.
Uniti Software’s capabilities in Primary and Home & Community Health complements the existing Health Metrics suite.

“This is an important piece of the strategy puzzle that enables Health Metrics to provide a Care Continuum to consumers,” says Health Metrics CEO Steven Strange. “We’re very excited to have the folk from Uniti as part of the Health Metrics family.”
Uniti Software was born from the Ballarat District Nursing Society Inc. (later Ballarat and District Nursing & Healthcare) who identified the need to better manage the patient journey, information and improve their reporting. They decided to create a new system, “…by healthcare workers for healthcare workers…”. Uniti offers one client record that can handle multiple funding sources, powerful scheduling tools, detailed reporting, as well as both online and offline mobile capabilities for critical information input and tracking at the point of care.
“The real winners from this transaction are the Uniti Customers. They will now be part of a larger technology group with a broad-based offering.”, said Steven.
Uniti’s “one client record” aligns well with Health Metrics’ eCase. The design principals have commonality. That is, a Single Client Record Architecture (SCRA™) that allows clients’ records to move with them across the Care Continuum (Residential Aged Care, Retirement Village, Home Care, Disability Care and Primary Health Care). It enables providers to make better, data-driven decisions which ultimately lead to significantly better care outcomes for our most vulnerable citizens.
The additional 73 Customers to the Health Metrics portfolio, means that Health Metrics now provides solutions for 245+ Customers across Australia and New Zealand in what is quickly becoming the technology provider of choice for Health and Social Care organisations.